For an hour or so we rode camels - from Menkare's pyramid, into the desert, through the Muslim cemetery and finally ending up at a papyrus shop in the nearby village. Wonderful views of the pyramids, but for the rest of the day I was walking like John Wayne, wondering if parts of my anatomy would ever work again!

Even the camels needed a rest when we reached the papyrus shop.

Definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience - in other words just do it once! Realistic prices work out at about £E25-35 per head - so don't pay more!

I defy anyone to visit Egypt without visiting a papyrus shop!

After refusing so many times, just give in, have a cool drink, go round, buy some papyri, so that you can say "I gave already!"

But to be serious, papyri make wonderful souvenirs. But realise that the price marked on the papyrus you want is probably about 200-300% of what you are expected to pay!

About halfway through our ride - the Muslim cemetery is in the centre below the cliff, the pyramids are to the left and the hazy sprawl of Cairo is dead ahead. Let's hope that this area will never be part of the that sprawl.


A most uncomfortable beast.... but the camel drivers brought a small one for Alice, which was considerate of them.