New Egyptian Pages
The Egyptian pages are now complete. To go directly there, click on the goddess.
The Pubs of Glossop are now with us......
I've just finished the first draft of my local pub pages - so check them out, and PLEASE, if you have any comments please mail me.I've got a new digital camera......
And so I'll be able to add better quality pictures to the Image Galleries. Like this panoramic view of the Glossop area - If you'd like a bigger view, just click on the picture - it'll take some time to download though - the original was nearly 4 mb, but this one is only 394K
This is Royston Vasey!
These pages are being brought to you from Hadfield, in the High Peak - the setting for the League of Gentleman - that strange collection of weird people that first appeared on our TV screens in early 1999. The sad thing is, that the depiction of Hadfield, and its inhabitants was much understated!
The new series finished in January, and hopefully there will be a third. Meanwhile, why not take a trip to Hadfield and see the real Royston Vasey - you'll never leave! You'll also be in good company - in the past few weeks we've seen The Guardian, Independent and The Express interviewing people, and even the Sport tried to find our local transexual!
I've now got one of those very useful ICQ numbers, so if anyone wants to chat with me when I'm online - most Saturday and Sunday mornings, feel free to try it.
My ICQ Number is 35149279